Back into weight training

For the first time in a month or so, I jumped back into the shed to go a weights session – it’s good to be back into it, too! I actually meant to do a set last night after work, but spent my time tidying up the shed, re-bolting the boxing station into the floor, setting up other things and re-organising my weights’ storage.

Anywho, I didn’t do too badly tonight considering it’s been a while – managed to just squeeze out 53kg on the bench, which is about on-par to what I was able to do before, and got to about ~80% of what I could lift on my other exercises when I was training more regularly. Overall I’m surprised at the results, but hope I don’t feel it too bad tomorrow since I’ll be back in the dojo after a three-week break 🙂

I’m crossing my fingers now that I’ve broken the cycle that I’ll be able to start doing this regularly again. Stay tuned!


3 Responses to “Back into weight training”

  1. Weight training is one thing that I definitely neglect. Although martial arts training is very comprehensive, modern weight training is very valuable as well!

  2. I find it easier to motivate myself to do weight training as opposed to karate when I’m working on stuff between classes. Not sure why, maybe it’s because I don’t have to think too hard 😉 Mind, that means my muscle mass is increasing at the expense of spending time on technique, so I’m not sure how that trade-off works in the grand scheme of things!!!

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October 2009