Reading some local amputee blogs

I went hunting for some amputee blogs the other day and stumbled across two new ones I thought were interesting and wanted to share.

The first one is Ordinary Situations, and is written by a fellow Aussie who lost her leg at a young age and details a variety of topics, including some of the challenges/experiences she’s had as an amputee. Unless I’m having a crazy moment, we’ve actually spoken over e-mail before, but I didn’t realise she had a blog as well, otherwise I would have put it up in my link resources sooner! She’s tagged all her amputee/prosthesis stuff together as well, so it makes it easy to read up on what’s been happening with her. It looks like she’s done a me and has dropped off the blogosphere, so hopefully she’ll come back again soon for more posts!

The second one I’ve added is Active Amputee, a blog by a below-knee amputee living in Queensland who originally hails from Canada. I certainly wont hold his heritage against him though, as Wifey and I are fans of Canadians – not only are they polite international travelers and gave the world Degrassi Junior/High, but they also produce 80% of the world’s supply of maple syrup, possibly the greatest condiment in the world. Anywho, as the title suggests, Mike’s a very active above-knee amputee, and when he’s not sporting a shiny new prosthesis with a bright red Canadian maple leaf, he’s doing crazy things like climbing Kilimanjaro. His travel posts are also great, including the travel tips he’s put together.


… and I’m back!

Apologies for the unplanned break – a handful of unfortunate issues cropped up over the last couple of months, along with a couple of annoying injuries that have kept training somewhat sporadic since June.

But that’s the past – I’d rather look to the future. I’ve got plenty of material to write about which I’ll be rolling out over the next couple of weeks, as well as regular insight into my training in the Koryu Uchinadi system. On the amputee side of things, I’ve just started to get the ball rolling to have my prosthesis (which is from 2006) replaced with a new one, included some new options for the socket design and knee. Should be interesting!

I’m also out of whack with what a lot of my fellow bloggers are writing about, so I’ll be jumping back into the loop to get up to speed over there as well.

I’d also like to fire across a big thanks to those of you who e-mailed me during my blogging absence with questions or feedback, to my Sensei and fellow students for being understanding of my situation, and to Wifey for putting up with a grumpy husband the last couple of months šŸ™‚

That’s it from me for now – more updates will come, stay tuned to the blog!


Whew, time to start writing again!

Just wanted to share with everyone that the new site theme for Retro Otaku is finished and has been uploaded. There are still a few bugs to sort out (particularly with the image galleries), but it’s looking very nice. Please feel free to have a look!

The good news is that I can start getting back into writing, rather than coding/designing šŸ™‚ Though the next two posts will be WordPress related as I’d like to share some fixes/tips I’ve picked up from the new themes I’ve put together, so indulge me a little longer šŸ™‚


Happy 2010!

Just wanted to wish everyone well for the coming year… and apologise for the dearth of updates to the site over the last couple of weeks – I was enjoying a few weeks off catching up with family, spending time with Wifey, celebrating x-mas and the new year, and taking a break from work/blogging/training/etc.

It’s been nearly 12 months since I first started up this site, and I also want to say a huge thank you to my readers, as well as the blogging and martial arts communities who continue to support, give advice and lend their encouragement to my little corner of the blogosphere. I think Wifey deserves a mention as well, since she’s the one who has to exercise patience owing to the time/energies I spend maintaining the site šŸ™‚

I’m looking forward to a few changes in the next 12 months – there will be more image galleries as these seem to be popular with visitors, possibly a couple of videos and a new visual overhaul of the site to make it look a bit more interesting šŸ™‚

Here’s to another exciting year!


Awesome home-spun machete vs pipe fight clip at Martial Explorer!

Huge props to Jesse over at The Martial Explorer – he was involved with a video production a while back that saw him having a machete vs iron pipe biffo on the top of a small building, complete with gratuitous kicking of his opponent into a swimming pool below. The final cut’s been put together, and here are the details:

Make sure you visit his blog post on it (here) to view the footage (I can’t embed it from my blog)and leave comments/praise for its awesomeness šŸ˜€


Companion blogs


October 2024